Tuesday 6 December 2016

Electricity and Information Revision lesson

You have a written test next lesson!  ðŸ˜±

But you are going to spend this lesson going over all the work we have done in this unit so you are well-prepared for the test.

On a slideshow, make notes, with images if they help, about the following topics:

You need to know:

1.  What electricity is and the circuit symbols used in drawing circuit diagrams.

2.  Where logic gates are found and what they do.  Be able to identify each type and how it changes the input to a different output (NOT, AND, OR).  Be able to follow the input - output changes in a sequence of logic gates.

3.  Be able to change simple binary numbers to decimal numbers.  Be able to change larger binary numbers to decimal numbers and add up binary numbers - gold to do this too.

4.  Understand that images are made up of pixels of binary code. Understand how the number of bits in a pixel can affect the number of colours available. Understand how the number of bits and pixels can affect file size.

5.  Understand how binary is used by computers for coding and instructions. Gold to do this too.

Make your notes as detailed and thorough as possible.  Share your slideshow correctly (Advanced - change form Private to Anyone with the link) and copy/paste the link to a new blog post, titled the same as this.

Publish!   And learn it all for next lesson!