Thursday 13 November 2014

Unit 10 Electricity and Information Lesson 2

This lesson is all about logic gates.  There are millions of these in a computer processor and they are used to make decisions.

Your work
1.  Watch the video
2.  Open Activity 1 worksheet and go to File - Make a copy.  Answer the questions on your copy of this worksheet.  Share it with me and Mr Surrall and paste the link onto your Blog post for this lesson.
3.  Open Activity 2 worksheet (in Activity 3 section!) and make a copy of it as before.  Answer the questions on your copy of this worksheet.  Share it with me and Mr Surrall and paste the link onto your Blog post for this lesson.
4.  Give your Blog post a title.
5.  Under the 2 pasted links, explain what logic gates are used for (see the teacher's presentation for hints).
6.  Write down ways you can remember which gate does what and what shape the gate is.
7.  Link this lesson to previous lessons you have done on Binary and the Processor - explain how the computer sends electronic messages around the processor using binary.
8.  Publish your Blog post at the end of the lesson.

If you don't finish this work in the lesson, please make sure it is finished for homework ready for your next lesson

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