Friday 26 February 2016

Electricity and Information - lesson 1

Your work for this lesson!

1.  Go to Learning Computing website and open up the Unit Electricity and Information - Lesson 1.

2.  Open the presentation at the top of the page and read through the information there - you will need to use this info for your blog post work.

3.  Go back to Lesson 1 and watch the Starter video about electrical circuits.

4. Open a new blog post and title it 'Lesson 1 Electricity and Information'.

5.  On your post, write about the following:

a) Explain what atoms are (level 4)
b) Explain why electrons flow around a circuit (level 4)
c) Explain how electricity is used to produce binary code (level 6)
For this last task, it might be useful to research the answer on Google or you could go to Year 7 on the Learning Computing website  and to the Building a Computer unit.  There's a lesson there about storage which talks about binary code in the teacher's presentation at the top of that lesson page.

6.  When you have finished this work, make sure you publish  your post!

 If you still have time left - you could start work on the homework for this unit.  The link and information is on the first page of the Electricity and Information unit, where all the lessons are listed.
You'll like the homework!!

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